GDR Coordination Team
For a period of 4 years (starting Jan. 2023), the GDR is coordinated by Sophie Henrot-Versillé as director,
and Samuel Boissier and Vincent Vennin acting as deputy directors,
together with a steering commitee composed of Working Groups coordinators
Dark Energy WG
Alain Blanchard
Philippe Brax
Pauline Zarrouk
François Bouchet
Matthieu Tristram
Vivian Poulin
Pasquale Serpico
Guilhem Lavaux
Yann Rasera
Simon Prunet
Our Goals
Ensure and strengthen the scientific animation in cosmology in France
Identify areas In which new Task Forces and WGs should be created
Participate in roadmap exercises if and when required
Coordinate with other related GDR and IRN